Friday, July 18, 2008

Day 17 Heading Home

Our last day in Germany started with that overpriced breakfast I talked about in the previous post. We went to the subway and headed over to the train station where we picked up our bags from the locker and then hopped on another subway to the airport.

We got checked in just fine and then exchanged our left over euros back into dollars and headed home.

Several hours later we got to Cincinati. The ticket said we were supposed to go to terminal A, but when we got there they sent us back to terminal C. That was a lesson about checking the flight board when you get off the plane, especially on tight connections.

Well we made it on the plane and when we got to Roanoke we found out that Bill's suitcase had also made it, mine on the other hand was not so lucky. We filled out the paperwork and headed home. There was another flight that would be arriving at about 930pm with my suitcase.

About 230 the next morning, since we don't have a street address and didn't want to try and explain it, the airline delivered the suitcase to Bill's sister's house in Athens.

Trip is done.

We had a wonderful time and loved every minute of it, even the learning experiences.
In the end, we spent a ton of money, but we didn't create any debts.
We have a lot of memories and no regrets. We already miss the food and our friends.

Now back to reality.

1 comment:

  1. Hey loved the pics and the way your posted them. If ya want to I would love to have this video on our post too and maybe email me or while you are on there put a link to your posts on mine so people can see your pics of over here too that visit mine!
    Miss you guys already!
