Mom let me know that she has been checking this site everyday... and that I haven't updated anything. SO since I have an audience of at least one, I thought I better add the latest project. This is a pretty good size gourd that I got from Mom, which seemed to be better suited for a feeder than a house. It is supposed to be flowers and ladybugs in the grass. There are butterflies on the otherside. I don't think the birds are using it, but there are a few "normal" feeders in the yard too. I need to get some more started, Christmas is coming you know.
It is Thanksgiving and I have nothing to do. Kinda nice this year, but I sort of miss the mess. HA We are on our way to Bill's sister's house for dinner, so I better get going.
Updated 26 Nov
Turns out I was wrong on two parts, Dave chimed in to let me know I have at least two viewers and the birds ARE using the feeder. They actually sit inside to snack. Once I get my Christmas present (camera with 12/4 zoom) I can take some pictures of the birds.
Brother Dave also checks regularly.
ReplyDeleteFriend Mark also checks it out too!