Sunday, July 29, 2018

Drive to Wyoming from Glacier Park Village

As noted in the previous post, this train trip had more than vacation and scenery in its agenda, we also had several northeaster states that we wanted to visit. To this point of my story, we got North Dakota and Montana covered. I had planned our first day in Montana to be a Glacier park experience, but since we had a rental car we decided to drive to Wyoming and get it knocked off the bucket list. In addition to that, the closest point in Wyoming turned out to be part of Yellowstone National Park and Mammoth Hot Springs was within five miles of the border. A plan was set and we had a plan for the six hour drive from East Glacier Village to Mammoth Hot Springs in Wyoming.

We got up early, easy to do since the time difference had us up long before breakfast was being served in the hotel. The best part of our early morning start was being able to watch the sunrise light up the mountains on our western side as we drove south.

We also saw some animals. Most were pretty normal, like these cows grazing in front of a scenic backdrop.

Some were a little different.
We were lucky to escape.

We stopped for breakfast in Helena, Montana.
Highly recommended.

I enjoyed seeing all the different types of landscape throughout the entire trip. 

As we drove along highway 287, near Three Forks, Montana, we came across this scene.
On quick viewing, they seemed real, but are actually larger than life steel sculptures of horses.
The display is called the Bleu Horses. They are painted blue and white to have depth and they manes and tails made of polyester rope for movement. 

More interesting rocks.

This particular formation is called Devils Slide. It was created when alternate layers of limestone, sandstone, and quartzites were tilted almost vertical and then eroded at different rates.

I caught this group of elk while we were waiting to enter Yellowstone. This is a pretty long range photo. I was looking out the window waiting for something to move out on the grassland. That big female on the right caught my attention and helped me get the male on the left.
I believe it is a male Pronghorn deer.
Due to weather issues and such, we didn't see many animals on this trip, but at least I got this guy.

Next will be Mammoth Hot Springs and return to Glacier.

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