Continuing the Summer of Painting Project
As shown in the last posting, I had an audience when I was painting the goat hay barn.
The next project was the goat house in this picture.
I tried to do something odd with this project and I pretty much succeeded.
I wanted to make the building three-tones of pink.
I did, sort of, but I won't try that again.
Even more odd, I started with the left over green paint from the hay barn.
I added the pink to it.
I also got out the paint sprayer.
I haven't done that again either.
Painting did go much quicker.
Paint also went on much thicker.
Clean up took as long as the painting process.
Like I said, not doing that again, especially on a small building.
So, the pink added to the green is the lower dark band on the building.
Then I added another bucket of another shade of pink.
That is the middle lighter band in the above picture.
Then I added another bucket of another shade of pink.
That is the hot pink that took over the top layer and most of the door side.
I really didn't know how to use the sprayer and ended up brushing a lot of this just to get the paint spread around like it should have been. Then I would see a big drip in the wrong section and end up brushing a lot to get the color evened out.
The door end and overhang are pretty high up too. I should have painted the rafters, but had made such a mess of everything with the sprayer I gave up on it.
In the end. It looks sort of crazy, but it is painted, mostly.
Our niece (to be) saw the buildings and said they were Cosmo and Wanda.
I didn't know what that meant, but now I do.
She was right. HA!
There is one thing about it though.
Those buildings may be painted some crazy colors,
but this is what I can see of them from my front porch.
They are over there, if you look really close.
The nephews have a much better view than we do.